Extending the Shelf Life of Fresh Foods
Flexible Packaging Reduces Food Waste
Food Waste Reduction
One of the Many Advantages of Flexible Packaging
FPA is exploring opportunities to communicate the advantages of flexible packaging in reducing food waste. FPA studies conclude that flexible packaging reduces food waste if a ‘systems approach’ of looking at both product and packaging is developed. These studies quantify the scientific evidence of flexible food packaging systems which reduce consumer food waste and include a discussion of the environmental significance of food waste and consumer attitudes and behavior around food waste.
Food Waste Reduction Resources
Technology Backed by Science
Member Report
The Value of Flexible Packaging in Extending Shelf Life and Reducing Food WasteThis members only report continues research on The Role of Flexible Packaging in Reducing Food Waste. It also examines peer reviewed literature on extended shelf life with flexible packaging.
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The Role of Flexible Packaging in Reducing Food Waste A compilation of secondary research looking at global food waste, this members only report focuses on developed markets. It provides insight into opportunities for flexible packaging to reduce food waste, and includes several case stories of how flexible packaging reduces food waste. See the Table of Contents.
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Who's Doing What in Food Waste ReductionThe Role of Flexible Packaging in Reducing Food Waste is a members only directory of Global Organizations, Conclusions and Insights. The directory was developed for FPA by Packaging Technology Integrated Solutions, LLC.
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The Role of Packaging in Reducing Food Waste PresentationA members only presentation from the FPA 2013 Fall Executive Conference by Dr. Ron Cotterman, Vice President, Sustainability, Sealed Air Corporation.
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Save-Food.OrgSAVE FOOD is a joint initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Messe Düsseldorf, and interpack, the leading global trade fair for packaging and processes.
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PerfectPackaging.org Perfect Packaging dot org's Reducing Waste section explains how flexible packaging reduces waste at every stage of its life. It requires less energy and material to manufacture, reduces transportation costs because of its lighter weight, and sends less material to landfills.
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Thinking Outside the Box - Food WasteAccording to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, approximately 40% of food in the U.S. is not consumed, and the annual amount of food waste is 36 million tons, which is worth $162 billion. This infographic illustrates how flexible packaging is helping to keep food fresher and prevent food waste. Specific examples include grapes, broccoli, green beans, steak and cheese.
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