FlexPack VOICE®

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FPA partners with the YGS Group for the development and distribution of the publication.

The magazine includes FPA news specific to the association; industry news that focuses on the industry, including the supply chain, at large; as well as showcase member achievements in sustainable flexible packaging and technical innovations that address product protection, e-commerce, food waste, and medical safety.

Five feature sections anchor the issues: “Advocacy Corner,” describes FPA ‘s advocacy efforts and what it is doing to be heard at the Federal and state levels to forward the interests of members; “FlexAppeal™,” which highlights the benefits of flexible packaging; “FlexForward™,” which focuses on industry breakthroughs and trends; “FlexFocus™,” which features FPA members’ specific achievements in flexible packaging; and “Above & Beyond,” that features members work in their communities and their awards.

Interested in submitting content or advertising?

FPA invites members and other industry stakeholders to contact FPA if interested in advertising; submitting content; or suggesting issues and activities for coverage.

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FPA and the YGS Group also developed a dedicated website for FlexPack VOICE®, FPA’s magazine, www.flexpackvoice.com. It includes additional original articles; breaking news (a curated news feed from the e-newsletters); follow-up and expanded coverage of select articles from the print publication; video and/or audio; additional photo galleries to complement magazine content such as FlexAppeal™; key upcoming events; and a social media feed.

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Magazine Editions


March/April 2025

The March/April edition takes a look behind producer responsibility organizations (PROs) as the Circular Action Alliance (CAA) prepares for a busy year with extended producer responsibility (EPR). In recent years, EPR laws have been spreading in the United States, requiring the guidance of producer responsibility PROs that would be central to each state’s development and implementation of EPR programs. Along the way, a PRO called the Circular Action Alliance was incorporated in December 2022.

In this edition, ProAmpac CEO Greg Tucker offers insights on a turning point for the flexible packaging industry. Tucker describes how being substrate agnostic—offering sustainable packaging solutions that are recyclable or compostable, so they don't end up in landfills, regardless of the substrate used—has helped build a pipeline of sustainable products at ProAmpac.

The judges for the Flexible Packaging Association’s 69th annual Achievement Awards Competition highlight advances in flexible packaging. This year’s contest displayed advances in recyclability, compostability, strong color consistency, high-resolution details in graphics, and digital printing technology to personalize packaging.


January/February 2025

For the January/February edition of FlexPack VOICE®, we had the opportunity to sit down with Dan Felton, the new President & CEO of FPA. In this exclusive interview, he shared insights on the shared challenges that both AMERIPEN and FPA are working to address in shaping the regulatory landscape of the flexible packaging industry.

This edition also introduces FPA’s newly established political action committee, FlexPAC™, which champions pro-business candidates who recognize the critical issues facing the flexible packaging sector, such as extended producer responsibility and product labeling. FlexPAC™ outlines its vision and goals for the future.

Sustainability continues to be a primary focus for pet food and pet care brands, who are actively seeking flexible packaging solutions that strike a balance between high performance and environmental responsibility. FPA’s newly released Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report delves into the sustainability advantages of flexible packaging, particularly for pet products, and highlights the industry's growing role in advancing sustainable packaging practices.


November/December 2024

Two of FPA’s longest-serving members are among the industry experts FlexPack VOICE® interviewed about the macroeconomic trends for the upcoming year. They discuss how businesses are improving their operations to offset rising labor and raw material costs in order to maintain a stable price for consumers. Learn more about regulatory changes involving chemicals, recycling, and sustainability.

FlexPack VOICE® also conferred with members celebrating milestones who are anxious about the uncertain U.S. economy, especially coming out of this contentious presidential election and the steady increase in extended producer responsibility programs popping up in various states.

And the chasing arrows label long respected for indicating which items can be recycled is now under scrutiny as a new California law suggests that it has been part of a larger campaign of greenwashing.


September/October 2024

Flexible packaging companies are no strangers to incorporating the latest advances in technology to improve efficiencies and reduce costs. The newest large-scale game changer is artificial intelligence (AI), which includes machine learning, machine vision, and robotics. Discover AI’s pros and cons from a manufacturing perspective in this issue.

This issue also explores how the upcoming Labelexpo Americas 2024 is focusing on various trends in the flexible packaging industry, including sustainability and automation.
And, did you know that flexible packaging can protect Pringles potato crisps from breaking? This elegant construction is one of the winners of our 2024 Student Design Challenge.


July/August 2024

To recruit and retain a strong workforce, the flexible packaging industry must be proactive, not reactive. Businesses should highlight the opportunities and varied career paths awaiting the employees of today and tomorrow. Learn more about how to attract talent in the July/August 2024 issue.
This issue also introduces two playbooks for R&D teams to help them guide their businesses in meeting their net-zero and sustainability goals. 
In addition, we explain FPA’s and its ELC’s innovative social media campaign titled “Pro-Planet: We Believe Every Day is Earth Day,” which frames the conversation of flexible packaging being a part of the solution, not the problem, in responding to environmental challenges. 


May/June 2024

The delivery system of an iconic lubricant underwent a dramatic transformation—from a spray can to a pod—earning the company this meritorious recognition in our 68th Annual Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition. 
Another top-ranking flexible package was commended for its enhanced functionality from bucket to bag and its ultraviolet-resistant substrate to preserve print vibrancy in sunlight. Learn more about other gold award winners in this May/June 2024 issue of FlexPack VOICE®. 
This issue also delves into the technical innovations and shelf appeal of other top award winners in our competition, including sustainability approaches. 
In addition, we discuss how the flexible packaging industry is a partner in creating solutions to meet the U.S. strategy to reduce food loss and waste. 


March/April 2024

Proponents of the flexible packaging industry are pushing past the political gridlock on Capitol Hill this year to monitor and promote the Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act of 2023 and the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act. They are also keeping tabs on several other initiatives focused on upcycled contaminants, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, labeling requirements, and molecular recycling technology, among other issues. 
This issue also explores how employee ownership not only encourages personnel to take a more active role in driving profits but also promotes employee retention by reducing turnover. In addition, the judges of the 68th Annual Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition share their insights into the various creative and innovative packaging solutions with an eye toward beauty and practicality. 


January/February 2024

Observers have found that in the transition from a linear to a circular economy, projects require expertise and investments from multiple stakeholders. On the supply chain side, Closed Loop Partners, an investment firm, is available to help fund such projects. 
This issue also discusses the work of Lantech, an international manufacturer of packaging machines, in monitoring the evolving marketplace and efforts that might limit the use of virgin plastics. In addition, a cybersecurity expert answers questions rooted in how well a company can prepare in advance for a severe breach after a cyberattack at the MGM Resorts in Las Vegas during PACK EXPO Las Vegas in September.