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Membership in FPA

Apply To Participate In the Flexible Packaging Association

Membership in FPA is open to manufacturers of flexible packaging (converter members) and manufacturers of material, equipment or supplies related to the flexible packaging industry (associate members). In order to receive all the benefits and services available to FPA members, all sections of this application must be completed. The information will be used to profile your company in FPA’s Membership Directory and Flexible Packaging Buyers Guide.

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Company Info
Buyer's Guide
Terms and Conditions
Sales & Dues Info

Company Information


Headquarters Address

If you select the United States for this address' country, please consult the USPS website to identify the correct 9 digit postal code for this address.

Contact Information

Company Representatives

All FPA members must have an Official Primary and Secondary Representative.

The Official Primary Representative is the main FPA point of contact while the Official Secondary Representative is the secondary FPA point of contact. Both of these representatives for the company will receive copies of all FPA notifications and publications.

Primary Company Representative

If you select the United States for this address' country, please consult the USPS website to identify the correct 9 digit postal code for this .

Secondary Company Representative

If you select the United States for this address' country, please consult the USPS website to identify the correct 9 digit postal code for this.

Additional Company Contacts

To create additional contacts for your company, click the "Add New Contact" button, fill out the necessary fields and click the "Save Contact" button.

FPA has a variety of programs that you may want to designate for a company contact to receive materials for a specific program.

Add New Contact

Contact Information

If you select the United States for this address' country, please consult the USPS website to identify the correct 9 digit postal code for this .

Company Plants

Please list all of you company's plant locations. This information helps us track and work to influence legislation pertinent to your interests. To create locations for your company, click the "Add New Location" button, fill out the necessary fields and click the "Save Location" button.

FPA recently launched a new career microsite,, where people can search through FPA members by name and locations and access the members' Career/Employment sections of their websites. Adding your company's plant locations will ensure that your company is included in the search options for

Add New Plant

New Plant


If you select the United States for this address' country, please consult the USPS website to identify the correct 9 digit postal code for this .

Contact Information


Buyer's Guide Categories

The FPA Flexible Packaging Buyers Guide is a listing of all FPA Associate and Converter members and their manufacturing and supplying capabilities.

If you are applying as an Associate or Converter member, please select all of your company's manufacturing and supplying capabilities below. Otherwise, you may skip this section of the application.

Guideline on Terms and Conditions of Flexible Packaging Association Membership


To ensure that Flexible Packaging Association members experience a positive membership environment, FPA provides the following Guideline on Terms and Conditions of Membership.

FPA Membership

The Flexible Packaging Association is committed to providing all FPA members with a positive and valuable membership experience that includes:

  • Extraordinary networking opportunities among industry peers.
  • Active promotion of the flexible packaging industry.
  • Proactive interaction with government officials and other stakeholders.
  • Industry specific education programs.
  • Credible industry and benchmarking information.
  • FPA members agree to ensure the integrity of these membership benefits by preserving the FPA culture and experience and by adhering to the following guidelines.

Process and Legal Requirements

  • FPA members agree to comply with U.S. Anti-Trust and other relevant laws and regulations at all times.
  • Each FPA member company agrees to appoint a Primary and Secondary Authorized Representative, who will be the primary contacts for FPA.
  • FPA members agree to pay their annual dues with the membership year based on all of their annual U.S. sales of converted flexible packaging and materials and equipment.
  • FPA members agree not to engage in any activity that brings harm to the flexible packaging industry or FPA, nor disrupt the FPA mission.

Networking and Marketing

FPA members are encouraged to support FPA networking events. To preserve the positive networking environment:

  • FPA members agree to comply with U.S. Anti-Trust laws and regulations at all times.
  • FPA members agree not to participate in non-member sponsored events which are schedules at the same time and venue as FPA events. (Non-member events which conflict with FPA events undermine the FPA community and take advantage of the members who support the FPA community).
  • During an FPA event, members agree not to schedule private functions which would compete with FPA scheduled functions.

FPA Research, Reports and Logos

FPA research, reports, and data are a valuable benefit of FPA membership and are funded by FPA membership dues. FPA members are encouraged to participate in all surveys. Member participation ensures that the industry data is accurate and credible. Individual responses to FPA surveys are confidential and only aggregated data is reported. Therefore:

  • FPA members agree not to disseminated FPA research, reports or other data exclusive to FPA members.
  • FPA Sustainability Logos were developed to promote the sustainability of flexible packaging. These logos may be incorporated into members' education and marketing materials including websites and emails. Use of the logos requires agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Use - below.
  • The Flexpack.Org Members Only sections and resources are for the exclusive use of FPA members. FPA members agree to not provide non-members access to the Members Only sections and resources of Flexpack.Org.


FPA Converter, Associate, and International Converter Dues

Sales in the U.S. of all flexible packaging including converted flexible packaging, plus all materials and equipment sold into the U.S. flexible market and/or industry should be calculated using the following formula:

  • Minimum annual dues are $4,500.
  • Annual dues are calculated at $0.45 per $1,000 annual sales. For example, a company with annual sales of $50,000,000 would pay dues of $22,500 (or $50000000 x 0.00045).
  • Maximum annual dues cap at $70,000.
  • Members who acquire other members within a fiscal year will be responsible for the outstanding dues of both companies.

Supporting Membership Category

The new Supporting Membership Category is for non-manufacturing companies that support the industry. Supporting Membership will be open to any firm or corporation, or division thereof, engaged in the distribution of materials, equipment, supplies, or flexible packaging, and businesses providing services, within the U.S. and having sales in the U.S. of materials, equipment, supplies or flexible packaging, or services to the flexible packaging industry.

  • Annual dues are calculated at $0.25 per $1,000 annual sales. For example, a company with annual sales of $50,000,000 would pay dues of $12,500 (or $50000000 x 0.00025).
  • Minimum dues are $2,500.
  • Maximum dues are $50,000.
  • The banking sector is a subset of this category that will have a flat fee of $50K. Banking is defined as Private Equity, Financial Institutions, and M&A Professionals.

Other FPA Membership Category Dues

  • Trade Press member dues are set at a flat rate of $2,500 per year.
  • Academic member dues are complimentary for universities or colleges with packaging curriculums or departments with activities related to flexible packaging sciences.

Tax Deductions for Lobbying Activities

Contributions or gifts to the Flexible Packaging Association are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. For tax year 2024, we estimate 20% of dues are related to the organization’s lobbying activities. Please consult your tax adviser.

Please note that all FPA Member Applications must be approved by FPA before payment is processed. After submitting an application, an FPA representative will contact you regarding your application.

Billing Address

If you select the United States for this address' country, please consult the USPS website to identify the correct 9 digit postal code for this .