FPA Supports the Proposed DOE/EERE Research Program for Upcycling of Multilayer Films

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) would like to express its support and endorsement for the proposed DOE/EERE research program titled “Integrated Upcycling of Multilayer Films to Chemicals,” Topic Area 1: Novel Approaches to Recycling and Upcycle Films. FPA represents flexible packaging manufacturers and suppliers to the industry in the U.S. Flexible packaging represents $34.8 billion in annual sales; is the second largest, and fastest growing segment of the packaging industry; and employs approximately 80,000 workers in the United States. Flexible packaging is produced from paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, or any combination of these materials, and includes bags, pouches, labels, liners, wraps, rollstock, and other flexible products.

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