FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Support of California’s SB 1231 (Allen)

We represent a variety of producers and community leaders committed to achieving California’s recycling goals and are in strong SUPPORT of SB 1231 (Allen). In 2021, California passed SB 343 (Allen, Chapter 507, Statues of 2021), regarding “truth-in-labeling” for recyclable material. That measure prohibited products and packaging from labeling material as recyclable, including using the recycling “chasing arrows” symbol, unless the material meets specific collection, sorting, and remanufacturing standards. In 2022, the state passed SB 54 (Allen, Chapter 75, Statutes 2022) to require producers to only use packaging that could meet that standard. However, the implementation dates in the two measures make compliance with both difficult and could have the unintended result for reducing recycling rates.

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