Marketing Study:
FPA Brand Value Study

Consumers Choose Flexible Packaging
Flexible Packaging Association Brand Value Study
The FPA commissioned a Brand Value Study to better quantify the impact our members’ packaging technologies have for brand owners. This FPA Brand Value Study integrates primary research with 2,120 consumers, 304 brand owners, and FPA members, plus the input of secondary research and case studies on packaging innovations.
Key Insights from FPA Brand Value Study
Driving Business Growth With Flexible Packaging
- Packaging has a positive documented impact on brand value.
- Consumers are willing to pay more for certain product attributes enhanced by flexible packaging.
- Flexible packaging fits the expectations of tomorrow’s consumers.
The FPA Brand Value Study includes insights from 304 brand owners surveyed online in August 2015 by Packaging World magazine, input from 2,100 consumers surveyed online in September 2015 by Harris Poll, and commentary from FPA members interviewed by Gibbs‐rbb in 2015.
Details About the Key Findings
Consumers Are Willing to Spend More
In the Harris Poll survey, approximately 60% of consumer respondents said they would be willing to pay more for tangible, functional packaging benefits such as:
- “Ability to reseal”
- “Ability to extend product life”
- “Easy to store”
- “Easy to open”
The average price premium consumers said they were willing to pay was as high as 14% for the top attribute, ability to reseal.
Packaging Influences Your Brand
80% of brand owners in the 2015 Packaging World survey commissioned by FPA agree packaging attributes have an influence on their brand’s value. When assessing flexible packaging, brand owners felt the top attributes are:
- “Enhance brand image”
- “Protect the product”
- “Differentiate the product on the shelf”
- “Fit consumers lifestyles”
In the survey conducted by Harris Poll, 81% of consumers said they “always,” “often” or “sometimes” notice when a product appears in new or different packaging. In the same survey, 39% of consumers said they “always,” “often” or “sometimes” buy a product specifically because of new or different packaging.
Consumers Are Looking For Convenience
The FPA survey conducted by Harris Poll explored which packaging attributes are considered most important to consumers. Younger consumers ages 18-34 tended to place greater importance on almost every attribute measured, suggesting more demanding customers in the future.
The same survey found that over 60% of consumer respondents said the top packaging attributes defined as “very important,” “extremely important,” or “absolutely essential” were:
- “Easy to store”
- “Ability to reseal”
- “Easy to open”
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