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FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to New Jersey’s S. 3398

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is opposed to the current NJ S 3398, which would establish an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program in the State of New Jersey but stands ready to strongly support an...

Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Recycle Organics

Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the White House announced the National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Requesting a Comment Deadline Extension on Section 301 China Tariff Modifications (Docket Number USTR-2024-0007)

On behalf of the undersigned members of Americans for Free Trade, we respectfully request that the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) extend the public comment period announced in its Federal Register notice...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Opposing New York’s S 4246D/NY A 5322D - Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act

We are writing to strongly oppose the newly amended Extended Producer Responsibility bill, S 4246D/A 5322D. These amendments won’t result in a thoughtfully crafted EPR bill. The bill will still result in problematic consequences for...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to New Jersey’s S.208

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to NJ S.208 which directs the Department of Environmental Protection to establish an extended producer responsibility (EPR) mandate in the State of New Jersey.

FPA Signs Coalition Veto Request Letter for Colorado’s SB 24-150

The undersigned organizations respectfully request that you veto SB 24-150 for the following reasons. Specifically, this bill: Is scientifically inaccurate; Would arbitrarily limit Colorado’s economic development programs and efforts to bring innovation and high-paying jobs...

FPA Submits Comments for California’s SB 54 Plastic Pollution Prevention & Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Draft Regulations

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting these comments on CalRecycle’s Draft Proposed Regulation Text for Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Proposed Regulations”). FPA recognizes that these...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter for California’s SB 54 Plastic Pollution Prevention & Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Draft Regulations

The undersigned organizations (the “Coalition”) thank you for the opportunity to submit comments regarding CalRecycle’s Proposed Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Regulations (the “Proposal”), along with its accompanying Initial Statement of Reasons...

FPA Opposes New York’s A 5322B

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is strongly opposed to NY A 5322B, which directs the Department of Environmental Conservation to establish a flawed Extended Producer Responsibility program in the State of New York.

FPA Announces 2024 Board of Directors

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the election of its 2024 Board of Directors. William (Bill) Jackson, Ph.D., Chief Technology...

Four Pillars for Our Future

The Flexible Packaging Association’s (FPA’s) current strategic plan was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic between November 2020 and March 2021 and runs through March 2024. Thus, FPA worked with its 2023 board of directors, 2023...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Sent to Congressional Leadership Regarding the Revised PM2.5

The undersigned associations represent thousands of members that generate trillions of dollars in economic activity and employ millions of workers across this country. We urge you to pass a Congressional Review Act resolution to disapprove...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Opposing California’s SB 903 (Skinner)

The undersigned organizations are writing to express our opposition to SB 903 (Skinner), legislation proposing to create a sweeping and complex new regulatory program at the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to regulate all...

FPA Sends Letter in Support of Minnesota’s SF 3561

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is pleased to support SF 3561 The Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act, which will allow packaging producers to make critical investments in Minnesota’s recycling infrastructure. Initially, FPA opposed SF...

AFT Submits Statement for the Hearing Record: The President’s 2024 Trade Policy Agenda

The Americans for Free Trade (AFT) coalition, a broad alliance of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs, respectfully submits this written statement to include in the public record of the Senate Finance...

FPA Submits Comments for the U.S. EPA’s Proposed Clarifications of Title V Federal Operating Permit Definition of “Applicable Requirements”

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) commends the EPA for proposing to clarify the Clean Air Act (“CAA” or “Act”) definition of “applicable requirements” in the Act’s Title V (T-V) Operating Permit Program. EPA’s purpose in...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Support of California’s SB 1231 (Allen)

We represent a variety of producers and community leaders committed to achieving California’s recycling goals and are in strong SUPPORT of SB 1231 (Allen). In 2021, California passed SB 343 (Allen, Chapter 507, Statues of...

FPA Submits Comments to CalRecycle on the Preliminary Findings of CalRecycle’s SB 343 Material Characterization Study

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting these comments on the Preliminary Findings of CalRecycle’s SB 343 Material Characterization Study. According to the “internet research” that CalRecycle staff conducted to compile the jurisdiction section of...

FPA Signs Coalition Comment Letter for California’s SB 343 Preliminary Findings Report

Consumer Brands Association (“Consumer Brands”), the California Chamber of Commerce (“CalChamber”), and the undersigned entities (the “Coalition”) are appreciative of the opportunity to submit comments regarding the California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery’s (“CalRecycle”)...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Rhode Island’s H 7619

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to RI H 7619, which severely limits access to fresh food, particularly in underserved communities, by banning the sale of PVC and PVDC in Rhode...

FPA Announces the 2024 Flexible Packaging Achievement Award Winners

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the winners of its 68th Annual Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition. The winning entries...

FPA Submits a Statement on Record for the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) Hearing on Examining Extended Producer Responsibility Policies for Consumer Packaging

On behalf of the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), I write to commend the Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) for its continued efforts to improve recycling across the U.S., including the March 6, 2024,...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Opposing California’s SB 903

The undersigned organizations are writing to inform you of our opposition to your SB 903, legislation proposing to create a sweeping and complex new regulatory program at the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Tennessee’s SB 573

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to TN SB 573, which directs the Department of Environment and Conservation to establish an Extended Producer Responsibility program in the State of Tennessee.

FPA Signs Coalition Letter to CalRecycle with Initial Questions Regarding the SB 343 Preliminary Findings Report

The undersigned organizations appreciate the extension of the Senate Bill 343 (SB 343) [Allen, Chapter 507, Statutes of 2021] Preliminary Findings Report public comment period timeline and look forward to continued engagement with CalRecycle throughout...

FPA’s Environmental Health and Safety Committee Plans April 10th Refrigerant Briefing

In addition to its regular update call on April 10, 2024, at 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST, the EHS Committee plans to discuss the EPA’s phase-out of HFCs for refrigerants and other uses under the Paris Treaty...

FPA Signs Business Coalition Letter on GSA Proposed Rulemaking, FR Doc # 2023-27942

The undersigned business organizations appreciate the opportunity to comment on GSA’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking in response to GSAR Case 2022–G517. While we share GSA’s objective to reduce plastic waste in the environment and...

FPA Announces the Formation of Its Political Action Committee, FlexPAC™

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the formation of its political action committee, FlexPAC™, and its inaugural event to take...

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