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Advocating for Flexible Packaging: ELC Group Seeks Your Input

In recent months, the advocacy group of the Emerging Leadership Council (ELC) brought you a visualization of the legislative process, as well as a white paper explaining the implications of extended producer responsibility (EPR). This...

Why ‘Elimination’ Won’t Solve the Packaging Pollution Problem

Flexible packaging has a target on its back. Shortsighted elimination policies for flexible packaging—and all packaging in general—will not solve the problem and, in many cases, will result in more environmental harm. The Ellen MacArthur...

Manufacturing Month Creates Opportunities to Focus on Workforce Issues

October is Manufacturing Month, with October 7 being National Manufacturing Day. This creates an opportunity for Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) members to highlight careers in the manufacturing industry, frame the issues and broadly educate policymakers...

EPR Can Drive Solutions for Flexible Packaging Recovery

It’s no secret that we—all of us—are facing a very real, very serious threat from pollution. Yet, this is where our common ground seems to end. Environmental challenges are complex and controversial; just take a...

Let’s Get Real About Plastics, the Environment and What We Can Do About It

Environmental challenges are complex and controversial—just take a look at the vastly different recycling and plastic legislative bills proposed each year across the country. Regardless of politics, there’s no doubt that we’re responsible for undoing...

Packaging Supplier Responds to CA Plastic Packaging Law

What’s California’s SB 54 Legislation all about? Last week, sustainability expert Robert Lilienfeld provided guidance to the legislation, which requires that all single-use plastic packaging sold in or imported into California be recyclable or compostable...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Sent to Members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Opposing an Amendment to S. 4348

The undersigned organizations oppose provisions added to S. 4348, the “Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancement Act” (FDASLA) via an amendment from Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) on food packaging and PFAS that could...

Let’s Get Real About Plastics, the Environment and What We Can Do About Them

Alison Keane of the Flexible Packaging Association says extended producer responsibility could provide a solution to managing this material at end of life. It’s no secret that we—all of us—are facing a very real, very...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Sent to the California Senate Appropriations Committee in Opposition to AB 2026 (Friedman) as Amended June 23, 2022

The California Chamber of Commerce and the organizations listed respectfully oppose AB 2026 (Friedman) as amended on June 23, 2022, which is the most current version of the bill in print. As you know, the...

FPA Submits Comments to the U.S. EPA in Regard to Their Request for Information on the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant Program

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) request for information (RFI) on the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) grant program. The FPA was established in...

FPA Submits Written Comments to the Environmental Protection Agency in Response to Their Request for Information on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) respectfully submits these written comments in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Request for Information (RFI) on the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Program (SWIFR).

FPA Signs AFT’s Coalition Letter Sent to the U.S. International Trade Commission Reiterating Tariffs’ Harmful Impact

Americans for Free Trade (AFT), a broad coalition of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs, sent a prehearing statement to United States International Trade Commission (ITC) Chair David Johanson to include in...

FPA Signs Coalition Extension Request for the State of Maine’s Deadline for Reporting Products Containing Intentionally Added Substances Defined as PFAS

We are writing to respectfully request an extension of the deadline for reporting of products containing intentionally added substances defined as PFAS in the State of Maine that is scheduled to go into effect on...

FPA Opposes Rhode Island’s S. 2044/H. 7438 – An Act Relating to Health and Safety – Toxic Packaging Reduction Act

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is writing to urge you to veto S. 2044/H. 7438, which will create a prohibition on the sale or promotional distribution of any food package containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances...

California Passes First Sweeping US Law to Reduce Single-use Plastic

California has passed an ambitious law to significantly reduce single-use plastics, becoming the first state in the US to approve such sweeping restrictions. Under the new law, which California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, signed on Thursday...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Stating a Neutral Position on SB 54 (Allen), as Amended June 26, 2022

The above listed organizations have a neutral position on SB 54 (Allen), as amended June 26, 2022, under the presumption the “State Regulations to Reduce Plastic Waste, Tax Producers of Single-use Plastics, and Fund Recycling...

Governments Play Large Role in New Recycling Investments

While private-sector investors search for returns in the growing circular economy, they note that the public sector also has a role to play. Government policies often dictate what and how much recyclable material is collected,...

Canadian Government Moves Ahead on Single-use Plastics Ban

The Canadian government has published final regulations to prohibit single-use plastics including checkout bags; cutlery; foodservice ware made from or containing problematic plastics that are considered hard to recycle; ring carriers; stir sticks; and straws...

FPA Submits Comments on the April 11, 2022, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend the SEC’s 2010 Climate Guidelines

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) appreciates this opportunity to submit comments on the April 11, 2022, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM” or “Notice”) to amend the SEC’s 2010 Climate Guidelines. This rulemaking, if finalized, would...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Sent to California’s Senate Committee on Environmental Quality Regarding AB 2026 (Friedman)

The California Chamber of Commerce and the organizations listed respectfully oppose unless amended AB 2026 (Friedman) as amended on June 9, 2022, which is the most current version of the bill in print. During the...

FPA Signs the U.S. Chamber’s Coalition Letter Highlighting Concerns About the EPA Undertaking a Rulemaking Process to Potentially Designate Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) as Hazardous Substances Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)

The undersigned organizations support policy and practical solutions that will accelerate the cleanup of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment. As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) undertakes a rulemaking process to potentially designate...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to New Jersey’s Senate Bill 426, “Packaging Product Stewardship Act”

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to Senate Bill 426 “Packaging Product Stewardship Act,” which requires producers of packaging products sold in New Jersey to adopt and implement packaging product stewardship...

CEFLEX Launches EPR Checklist for Flexible Packaging

The Circular Economy for Flexible Packaging (CEFLEX) project has unveiled a checklist for extended producer responsibility schemes to help the supply chain move towards circularity. According to CEFLEX, the criteria is a basis for further...

3 Steps for Navigating New EPR Laws

In states like Maine and Oregon, new laws are being introduced to bolster municipal recycling initiatives. Dubbed Extended Producer Responsibility Programs (EPRs), the policies aim to reduce the volume and toxicity and increase the recycling...

FPA Signs the U.S. Chamber’s Coalition Letter in Response to a Request for Information on Sustainable Chemistry

The undersigned organizations are pleased to provide comments regarding the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) Request for Information on Sustainable Chemistry. We represent a coalition of companies and trade associations across...

FPA Signs the U.S. Chamber’s Coalition Letter for Inclusion of Provisions Related to PFAS in the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

The undersigned associations strongly urge you not to include provisions in National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 23 NDAA) that would circumvent the existing regulatory process for PFAS. This includes provisions that...

FPA Creates Fact Sheet Highlighting the Negative Impacts of California’s Assembly Bill 2026

AB2026 would ban an online retailer from using plastic packaging, including shipping envelopes, cushioning, or void fill, such as bubble wrap and air pillows. The bill effectively bans one of the most- environmentally favorable protection...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Supporting the Supply Chain Subtitle in the America COMPETES Act

As members of Congress come together to advance bipartisan legislation strengthening supply chains and enhancing U.S. economic competitiveness, the undersigned organizations write to express our strong support for the Manufacturing Security and Resilience Program and...

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