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FPA Signs Coalition Letter Opposing and Requesting Amendments to LD 1503 to Maine’s Committee on Environment and Natural Resources

We are writing to respectfully oppose and request amendments to LD 1503 related to PFAS reporting requirements and product bans. The legislation as written could eventually ban thousands of products from sale and transport of...

Vermont Governor Signs Restrictions on PFAS 'Forever Chemicals'

On Wednesday, the governor of Vermont signed a bill that prohibits the sale of certain products containing toxic “forever chemicals.” Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) — or “forever chemicals,” as they do not break down in the...

FPA Submits Comments on Draft Recommendations and Key Principles of Producer Responsibility to Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Colorado’s draft recommendations and key principles of producer responsibility (hereinafter referred to as “CO draft PR recommendations” or the “recommendations.” I am Alison Keane, President and CEO...

What Policies Can Help Improve Plastics Recycling?

At last month’s (virtual) Plastics Recycling Conference, I participated on a panel that discussed public policies that could enable more plastics recycling. After last year’s (non-virtual) conference, I wrote that plastic makers were focused...

£200 Per Ton Rate Set for Plastic Packaging Tax

The British government has confirmed that the new plastic packaging tax (PPT) will be coming into force 1 April 2022, raising nearly a billion pounds in tax by 2025. Laid out by Chancellor Rishi Sunak...

FPA Submits Testimony in Support of LD 1471 and in Opposition to LD 1541 to Maine’s Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources

Thank you for the opportunity to testify in support of Maine’s LD 1471, “An Act to Establish a Stewardship Program for Packaging” and in opposition to Maine’s LD 1541, “An Act to Support and Improve...

Maine Lawmakers to Consider Competing Recycling Reform Bills

Two bills have been submitted to create a program to improve recycling and refund municipalities, but the sides are far apart on how those goals should be achieved. Maine’s intent to create a first-in-the-nation recycling...

FPA Develops Roadmaps to Guide Key Players in the Packaging Supply Chain on Aligning Flexible Packaging to a Circular Economy Framework

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the leading advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, is pleased to announce the development of five roadmaps to assist companies in moving towards a circular economy....

2021 Off to a Fast Start

2021 began with a rush in many states to consider policies that will squarely impact the flexible packing industry. This year, extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging, recycled content, and packaging labeling mandates are incredibly...

Washington Shifts to “New Normal” Schedule

At this time a year ago, advocacy efforts in Washington were just starting to adjust to the realities of a pandemic-dictated virtual work environment and a mostly reactive emergency-based legislative agenda. Now, despite the ongoing...

FPA’s Recycling Efforts Accelerate

FPA recently joined forces with The Recycling Partnership (TRP) with its Film and Flexibles Recycling Coalition, which works collaboratively to identify and scale ways to collect more film and flexible packaging. As a leading national...

State Legislatures Busy with Plastics Policy on Shampoo Bottles, Chemical Recycling and Preemption

Policy observers anticipated the 2021 state legislative season would be active, given pent-up demand from bills stalled by the pandemic and ongoing pressure for changes to recycling policy from many sides. The new Arkansas law...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to SB20 to Vermont’s House Committee on Human Services

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to SB20, “An act relating to restrictions on perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances and other chemicals of concern in consumer products,” in its current form.

Beer Institute, American Beverage, National Marine Manufacturers and Flexible Packaging Association Praise Reintroduction of Aluminum Pricing Examination Act

Trade associations representing some of America’s top industries and employers today praised Representatives Al Lawson (FL-05) and Ken Buck (CO-04) for reintroducing the Aluminum Pricing Examination (APEX) Act (H.R. 2698), bipartisan legislation that would bring...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter to New York’s State Legislature Concerning A.5801 (Extended Producer Responsibility)

The undersigned organizations appreciate the opportunity to provide comment on A.5801, which seeks to establish an extended producer responsibility (EPR) mandate for packaging and printed material. While many of our organizations support a properly structured...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Assembly Bill 1371 to California’s Committee on Natural Resources

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is submitting testimony in opposition to AB1371, which would ban plastic e-commerce packaging.

FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Opposition to Assembly Bill 693 to California’s State Assembly

The California Chamber of Commerce and the organizations listed respectfully must OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED your AB 693, which would amend the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, also known as Proposition 65,...

Biden’s EPA Set to Take Up Issue of Dangerous "Forever" Poisons

Hope Grosse grew up across the street from a military airbase just north of Philadelphia where she and her friends would watch firefighters practice putting out fires on old military planes. At night they would...

FPA Submits Testimony in Opposition to Senate Bills 582-1 to Oregon’s Senate Committee on Energy and Environmental

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is once again submitting testimony in opposition to SB582-1, as amended, having to do with extended producer responsibility programs for packaging and paper.

FPA Signs Coalition Letter in Opposition to Assembly Bill 1371 to California’s State Assembly

The California Chamber of Commerce and the California Manufacturers & Technology Association along with the organizations listed, which are leading manufacturers, retailers, and consumer product companies, must respectfully OPPOSE your AB 1371 as amended. We...

EPA Hears Divergent Opinions on Chemical Recycling

If a process breaks down scrap plastics into chemicals that are later used to make new plastic, should the federal government consider that “recycling?” What if the end product is a fuel that is combusted?...

Enterprise Print Group Invests in SEI Laser Labelmaster

Matik, Inc., the North American distributor for SEI Laser equipment, is pleased to announce Enterprise Print Group of Knoxville, Tenn., has purchased a Labelmaster manufactured by SEI Laser. The advanced Labelmaster provides true digital finishing...

FPA Signs Coalition Memo to New York State Senate Members Regarding S.1185B Which Seeks to Establish an Extended Producer Responsibility Mandate for Packaging and Printed Material

The undersigned organizations appreciate the opportunity to provide comment on S.1185B, which seeks to establish an extended producer responsibility (EPR) mandate for packaging and printed material. While many of our organizations support a properly structured...

An American EPR: Monopolies and Other Unintended Consequences

Nine states and Congress are considering legislation to make packaging and paper companies pay for residential recycling. Known as “extended producer responsibility”, this is not a new approach to recycling. Thirty-three states have EPR laws...

FPA Submits Testimony in Support of Rhode Island’s House Committee on Corporations House Bill 5446/Senate Bill 254

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is pleased to support HB 5446 and SB 254, which would provide regulatory certainty for advanced recycling processes and create a more circular economy for plastics in Rhode Island.

Federal Plastics Proposal Returns This Week

Two members of Congress will revive the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which includes a national container deposit system and other sweeping changes. Representatives from the plastics industry have countered the push. According to...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter to Colorado’s Labor & Technology Committee in Opposition to SB 21-180 Concerning Efforts to Increase Recycling in Colorado

As associations that represent foodservice packaging manufacturers throughout the United States, we respectfully oppose SB 21-180 – concerning efforts to increase recycling in Colorado. We believe this legislation takes the wrong approach, conflicts with current...

FPA Signs Americans for Free Trade’s Coalition Letter to United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai Encouraging the Removal of Tariffs

Congratulations on your confirmation as U.S. Trade Representative. We appreciate your dedication to public service and look forward to working with you on a worker-centric trade policy that benefits American workers, families, and businesses.

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