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FPA Signs Coalition Letter to Senate and Congressional Leadership in Opposition of the Resin Tax

As organizations representing manufacturers and users of plastic products and packaging as well as parts of the entire value chain, we are writing to express our concerns about the proposed inclusion of a 20 cent...

Plastics Industry Lashes Out at 'Regressive' Democratic Tax Plan

A Democratic proposal to help finance the party's $3.5 trillion spending bill by taxing single-use plastics is generating sharp pushback from members of the industry, who argue it would produce more waste and hurt average...

Judge Tosses Greenpeace Suit Over Walmart Recyclable Labeling

Retail giant Walmart Inc has been handed a win by a federal judge in San Francisco who tossed claims that the company labels some of its house-brand plastic products "recyclable" when that option is not...

FPA Comments on The Recycling Partnership’s (TRP) Pathway to Circularity Recyclability Framework

FPA is deeply concerned with not only the process but the ultimate outcome of this Framework. As this will certainly set a precedent for both states and federal work on packaging circularity, FPA believes that...

Group Representing Coke, Kellogg and Campbell Soup Have Concerns About Biden's Vaccine Order

The trade group that represents consumer brands including Coca-Cola (KO), Kellogg (K) and Campbell Soup (CPB) fired off a letter to President Joe Biden on Monday with a laundry list of questions about his new...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter for a Veto Request of SB343 to California Governor Gavin Newsom

The organizations listed below respectfully request your veto of SB 343 (Allen). SB 343 is more than a labelling bill. By establishing stringent criteria for what can be labeled recyclable, SB 343 creates a definition...

Recycling Goals, Leadership Stymied by Packaging Bill

The California Legislature is considering a bill by state Sen. Ben Allen that would prohibit a broad spectrum of packaging and consumer products from being labeled with the familiar “chasing arrows” recycling symbol or any...

FPA Signs Floor Alert in Opposition to California SB 343

SB 343 is MORE than just a labeling bill and establishes stringent criteria for what can be considered recyclable, and creates a definition of “recyclable” which will have impacts on all future legislation related to...

PFAS Are Vital to Enabling Our Lives in the 21st Century

Few topics in the chemical industry have attracted as much attention in Congress and with policymakers across the country as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS. Critics have applied the catchy but misleading term...

FPA Supports the Proposed DOE/EERE Research Program for Upcycling of Multilayer Films

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) would like to express its support and endorsement for the proposed DOE/EERE research program titled “Integrated Upcycling of Multilayer Films to Chemicals,” Topic Area 1: Novel Approaches to Recycling and...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter to the California State Assembly Opposing AB 478 Unless Amended

The undersigned organizations are writing as a follow-up to our previous comments regarding AB 478, legislation pertaining to the use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) material in plastic thermoform containers. As we have stated, we recognize...

Beer Institute, American Beverage, Consumer Brands Association, National Marine Manufacturers and Flexible Packaging Association Praise Senate Reintroduction of Aluminum Pricing Examination Act

Trade associations representing some of America’s top industries and employers today praised Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) for reintroducing the Aluminum Pricing Examination (APEX) Act, bipartisan legislation that would bring transparency to...

INSIGHT: US EPR Policy in Focus After States Pass Legislation

As the US state of Maine becomes the first state to enact an extended producer responsibility (EPR) law for plastic packaging, momentum behind recycling legislation only seems to be strengthening as a chemical trade group...

ACC Advises Congress on Creating a Circular Economy for Plastics

According to a news release issued by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), Washington, leading plastic companies have presented Congress with an outline of five actions the legislative body can take to grow the circular economy...

Time for EPA to Come Clean on PFAS

Early in the 2019 film “Dark Waters,” Mark Ruffalo watches in exasperation as hundreds of boxes of documents are wheeled into his law firm. His character — real-life attorney Rob Bilott — has forced a...

Maine Shifting Recycling Costs to Companies

Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D) has signed into law legislation to make the state the first in the country to shift recycling costs from taxpayers to packing manufacturers. The law, which was passed by the...

Biden Can Help American Workers and Protect U.S. Jobs by Ending Trade Wars

Shortly after President Joe Biden nominated Katherine Tai to serve as United States Trade Representative (USTR), Ms. Tai pledged that the administration’s trade policies would be centered around helping American workers and protecting U.S. jobs....

Infrastructure and Recycling Debate Accelerates

The definition of “infrastructure” has been a flashpoint for policymakers in Washington, D.C., ever since President Joseph R. Biden Jr. unveiled a $2.3 trillion spending bill to bolster infrastructure in the United States. Roads, bridges,...

Oregon EPR Bill Set to Kick Off Major State Recycling Changes, 'Truth in Labeling' Debate

Oregon was one of the first states to feel the brunt of National Sword’s market effects, leading to a period of disposal waivers for recyclables and curbside program disruptions. That experience may now put Oregon...

Global Call Launched for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging

More than 100 businesses in the packaging supply chain publicly recognize the need for EPR for packaging via a live launch and statement, led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. On June 15, for the first...

Chemical Recycling Bill Sets Stage for Industry’s Battle with Environmentalists

New Jersey lawmakers are keying in on the future of plastic manufacturing and waste management. On Monday, a contentious bill that would ban polystyrene packaging and require plastic, glass and paper containers and carryout bags...

How Brands Plan to Work Toward Ambitious 2025 Goals

The U.S. Plastics Pact this week laid out its five-year plan for increasing recycled plastic use and boosting recycling rates, among other objectives. The pact formed last year to bring together nearly 100 U.S. brand...

EPR Legislation Advances in Some States, Stalls in Others

Bills establishing extended producer responsibility for packaging materials were introduced in a handful of states this year. Several have failed to gain traction, but at least two key proposals remain active. Bills in Maine and...

VERIFY: Washington Plastic Bag Ban Does Not Go into Effect Friday

The law bans retailers from using single-use plastic bags. It would have started Jan. 1, 2021 but Gov. Inslee put it on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some retail stores in the Spokane area...

FPA Signs Coalition Letter Urging President Biden to Terminate the Section 232 Steel and Aluminum Tariffs and Quotas on U.S. National Security and Trade Allies

On behalf of the undersigned associations representing multiple sectors, hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of American workers across the country, we are writing to urge you to terminate the Section 232 steel and...

More than 30 U.S. Trade Associations Request Termination of 232 Steel Tariffs, Adding to Momentum to End Trump-era Trade Barriers

As President Biden heads to Europe for discussion with trade allies, 33 U.S. trade associations representing a wide range of sectors--from manufacturing and agriculture to alcohol and consumer products--released a letter today calling for termination...

Recycling: We Need Circular Waste Management

Today, just 13 percent of plastic packaging in the U.S. gets recycled. That means too much plastic is getting into nature and more valuable material is being wasted. Though beverage bottles are collected at higher...

FPA Signs Americans for Free Trade’s Statement For The Record on President Biden’s 2021 Trade Policy Agenda

Americans for Free Trade, a broad coalition of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs sent a statement for the record regarding the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee’s 2021...

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